Lolita New Year Resolutions & Wishlist

By the time this post goes up it will be 2023, so I wish you all a very happy new year! 

There was recently a tag on Instagram inviting lolitas to share their resolutions for the new year. Whether it was to expand your wardrobe, or to do a closet cleanout, or to be more experimental and out of your comfort zone, or even to take a break from lolita to figure out your private life. Mine is not so monumental but it’s a useful record to reflect back on to see if you stood by it or gave in to old habits. 

1. To only buy items on my (lolibrary) wishlist.

This means I will have to restrain myself from impulse purchasing mediocre items just because they are oldschool, or will fit one coord, or are a good deal. I need to take a moment to think before buying… not to let the addictive rush of finding a potential wardrobe piece cloud my vision. Damn you JP Mercari and Yahoo Auctions! I want to LOVE every piece individually. One of the hardest parts of lolita is accepting that building a wardrobe can take years. Especially if you are picky like I am. Ultimately though, it is more sensible than buying something you know that you will end up selling a month or so later. 

(Shout out to my friends in the fashion who have bought my regretted finds from me. Your money is much appreciated.) 

^ a selection of dream dresses on my wishlist

2. Invest in a couple pairs of good, high quality shoes that will last. 

I’ve had terrible luck in the past with lolita shoes. Every one has decayed in some way or simply not fit me (a painful truth to accept.) So this year I have my eye on some platform boots and mary janes like every good little lolita wishes for. Good quality shoes are not cheap, unfortunately. Especially for authentic 1990s platform shoes the prices can be OUTRAGEOUS so it is certainly an investment. I would never buy new lolita brand shoes because although they look pretty they are not made to last. Fake leather will literally turn to dust with age. RIP to all those beautiful an~ten-nas and metamorphoses that we see in street snaps. They are probably six feet under by now. 

3. Try a full shiro coordinate

Ugh, I’ve wanted to do a shiro coord since forever! I do not have enough white in my wardrobe as it is. I’ve found it impossible to source shiro that falls gothic rather than sweet. Why isn’t all white gothic more popular?!? I’m torn between committing fully to all white including footwear to be a perfect ghostly angel, or using black accessories like in this street snap to have that oldschool feel. The desire to twin shiro and kuro is overwhelming *sigh* :(

4. Find a hairstyle that suits EGL

Truthfully I have never known how to do hair (or makeup, but that’s a separate issue). I don’t own any styling tools or bother to put much effort in at all, which is a shame because i’ve always found hair is the first thing people notice about you. I can make my hair look messier on purpose but I can’t do a thing to make it more elegant. My uneven shitty haircut is fine for me when I am in normal boy clothes but it definitely takes points from me when in lolita. I know that maple ringlet wigs are hugely popular in the oldschool community but I don’t think that’s what i’m looking for. The ideal would be mana style twin tail extensions + teasing my hair up to high heavens. Combination of my natural curly hair but with some added gothiness and girlieness that I lack.

Secret 5th resolution: 

A quiet personal resolution to be less camera shy. I say this hesitantly because I know if I put pressure on myself I will back out. But really, I have so much passion and creativity to share and I hate to let insecurity and self hatred suffocate me. 

I’d like to see a little improvement in confidence with future Sullen.

So, what do you think? To the other lolitas that participated in this trend, I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. Closet cleanout lolitas, hit me up pls



  1. I love your blog so much and these really are good resolutions ❤️❤️


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