
Showing posts from January, 2023

Quiet Birthday Celebrations

  My birthday falls on the 30th of December so I typically don’t have any kind of large celebration. It’s the time between Christmas and New Years when most restaurants and cafés are shut, and it’s so soon after Christmas that I don’t expect any presents because no one has money. I find birthdays a little depressing (do others feel this way too?) but I will take happiness where I can find it. This year it was especially quiet because I was only just recovering from Covid and still felt very weak. I did wear lolita but didn’t take photos, except of my Malice Mizer pendant that I attached to a rosary and wore on the day^     I went out to go Antiquing for a couple hours before the shops closed. I took these photos in the first place which was a beautiful but expensive curated antique furniture shop. It had displays of silverware and jewellery cases and I was extra careful when walking around not to knock anything over. I initially was doubtful if I ought to wear a petticoat...

Lolita New Year Resolutions & Wishlist

By the time this post goes up it will be 2023, so I wish you all a very happy new year!  There was recently a tag on Instagram inviting lolitas to share their resolutions for the new year. Whether it was to expand your wardrobe, or to do a closet cleanout, or to be more experimental and out of your comfort zone, or even to take a break from lolita to figure out your private life. Mine is not so monumental but it’s a useful record to reflect back on to see if you stood by it or gave in to old habits.  1. To only buy items on my (lolibrary) wishlist. This means I will have to restrain myself from impulse purchasing mediocre items just because they are oldschool, or will fit one coord, or are a good deal. I need to take a moment to think before buying… not to let the addictive rush of finding a potential wardrobe piece cloud my vision. Damn you JP Mercari and Yahoo Auctions! I want to LOVE every piece individually. One of the hardest parts of lolita is accepting that building a w...